Thursday, April 9, 2015

Issues With Comments

Many thanks to Jo for pointing out the flaws in this blog's commenting system. I have spent a bit of time playing around with the way Blogger handles comments and realize it is just not a very good system. I will get this fixed - as soon as all my houseguests leave in two weeks.  In the meantime, please feel free to post comments as "anonymous". Just sign your name at the end of (within) your comment, as you would if you were signing an email, so we will know who you are. Seems to be the best workaround for now.

This is one of those situations where I am going to have to learn something new - in this case, how to import a much more efficient and practical, third-party gadget into Blogger.  The other alternative is to change to a whole new blogging platform (such as WordPress) and start from scratch. I am not opposed to that alternative, but would rather mess with what we already have and see if I can make that work. But that will take some time - and it seems that every member of our family that ever wanted to visit Seabrook has decided to visit this month. Once they have all left I will have time to devote to enabling a working comments gadget.

Thank for your patience!


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