Monday, July 13, 2015

Get A Little Help From Your Friends

When it comes to genealogy, you can never have enough friends.  Whether they are the folks you hang out with at your local genealogy group meetings, or the virtual friends you have found on social networks or blogs, there is a whole world of other people who share your passion and are willing, indeed, anxious, to share their knowledge and experience.

When I first started out on my family history adventure I stumbled upon a blog entitled "The Armchair Genealogist" by Lynn Palermo.  The guidance I found there helped me get organized and get started. Her blog is full of useful information, and her Family History Writing Studio is one of my new, favorite hang-outs.  Indeed, I am taking a five-week family history blog writing workshop there in the Fall. 

One of the pages on her blog is entitled "Beginners - Start Here".  In that section, there are six helpful topics you can click on to help you get started with your research.  None of us set out on our genealogical journey with a full box of tools and an inherent knowledge of what we were doing.  All of us needed help and guidance along the way.  For all of you who are still struggling to get started, this may be a good place to begin. 

The point I am trying to make here is that there are an awful lot of resources out there for you to tap into. There are more genealogy-related blogs than I can count. But I recommend you take some time to wander about and check them out. Subscribe to the ones that interest you and follow along for a while and see what you learn. There are free (and paid) webinars, Utube videos, classes, ebooks and pdf files full of useful information. And I cannot emphasize enough the advantage of attending conferences. The Family History Library in West Ashley is sponsoring one this Fall.  

Here is a list of genealogy blogs I subscribe to:

Go find some new friends!

-- submitted by Denise Doyon

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